Monday, July 22

Abhishek Kumar

Non-Resident Associate Fellow

    Abhishek is a lecturer at the University of Southampton. He finished his PhD from the Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research (IGIDR), Mumbai, in 2022.  He was an Associate Fellow at CSEP from 2021 to 2022 and a Visiting Researcher at the University College London (UCL) from 2019 to 2020.

    In the past, he has worked as a Consultant for Queen Mary Global Policy Institute, Asian Development Bank (Manila) and UNU-WIDER. He also worked as a Project Associate at the National Institute of Public finance and Policy (NIPFP), University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, USA, and National Health Service, UK. Prior to his PhD, he taught at the University of Delhi for more than 4 Years.

    His research interests are in Structural Macro-Econometrics, New Keynesian models and Applied Econometrics. He aims to contribute to designing evidence-based macroeconomic policies in India. He has an M.Phil. degree from IGIDR and the University of Delhi, and postgraduate and bachelor’s degrees from the University of Delhi.

    Articles in Popular Press

    Journal Articles


    • Oil Price Dynamics in Times of Uncertainty: Revisiting the Role of Demand and Supply shocks (with Sushanta Mallick)
    • Exchange Rate Pass-through to Prices and Wages in a Large Emerging Economy (with Sushanta Mallick)
    • Effects of productivity growth on domestic savings across countries (with Sushanta Mallick and Kunal Sen)

    Working Paper

    Work in Progress

    • Optimism and Pessimism in Indian Business Cycle (With Ashima Goyal)
    • Neo Fisher Effects In Indian Monetary Policy (With Ashima Goyal)

    Other Publications

    • Aggregate Demand Management, Policy Errors and Optimal Monetary Policy in India, (With Barendra Kumar Bhoi, and Prashant Mehul Parab), India Development Report, 2021, Oxford University Press. IGIDR Working Paper Version
    • Growth of Finance, Real Estate and Business Services: Explorations in an Inter-Sectoral Framework (With Sukanya Bose), Working Paper Version, Book Chapter
    • Macroeconomic Policy Simulations for the 14th Finance Commission 
    • Book Review: Advances in Finance & Applied Economics, Edited by N.R. Bhanumurthy, K. Shanmugan, Shriram Nerlekar and Sandeep Hegade: Indian Journal of Agricultural Economics (April-June 2019)

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