The Electricity Future and Synergy: Storage and Smart
Editor's Note
This chapter is a part of Brookings India's edited book, "Blowing Hard or Shining Bright? Making Renewable Power Sustainable in India" To view the preface and table of contents, click here.
Chapter Summary:
This chapter explores the future of the grid as a Smart Grid, in particular how it can synergize with renewable power. This includes new (dynamic) pricing schemes, storage technologies, and dynamic demand management. Each of these aspects, rather, the entire spectrum of a Smart Grid needs policy support, independent of the links to increased renewable power. These include new tariff and pricing schemas, support for new technologies, and even a new framework for Smart Grid rollouts across the nation. One additional area where Smart Grids and renewables intersect is for distributed generation, including microgrids, where now power can flow upwards from the edge, instead of top-down (aka centralized delivery). This requires legal, regulatory, and safety-engineering standards and policies to materialize and scale.
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