Wednesday, July 3

Carbon Tracker

The CSEP Electricity and Carbon Tracker is a near-real-time tracker that shows electricity generated by source (eg Renewable, Thermal) at a national level. It also shows total electricity-based CO2 emissions every 5 minutes and CO2 emissions per kWh. Additionally, it displays the moving averages for each generation source, as well as a wide variety of summary statistics and analysis. CSEP Electricity & Carbon Tracker

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India Needs a Coordinated Approach for Decarbonisation of Economy

The India Project at the Brookings Institution hosted an event to assess the Modi government’s first year in office. The panel considered developments over the last year in the economic, social, energy, and foreign policy realms, as well as in domestic politics. Panelists discussed their perspectives of the government’s performance, where they see continuity vs. change, what has surprised them, what we might expect to see in the future, and key developments to look for over the next year.

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