Wednesday, July 3

Development Seminar @ Brookings India | The Online Education Revolution and India

11:00 AM to 01:00 PM (IST)

View Prof. Tabarrok’s Presentation

Abstract: Online technology has the potential to revolutionise education bringing lower costs and greater access to millions. Online technology is also a fundamentally better way of teaching. New technologies will change the industrial organisation of education–how education is delivered, who produces it and how it is paid for. The cost disease does not apply to teaching online. Online technologies have special advantages for a developing nation such as India and give it the potential to increase educational quality far faster than using conventional techniques. Full paper can be found here.

Speaker Profile: Dr. Tabarrok is the Bartley J. Madden Chair in Economics at the Mercatus Center at George Mason University and the co-founder of Marginal Revolution University, the leading provider of online education in the field of economics.

  • Speaker: Prof. Alex T. Tabarrok (George Mason University, Virginia)
  • Discussant: Sh. R. Subrahmanyam (Additional Secretary, Technical Education)
  • Moderated by: Shamika Ravi, Senior Fellow, Brookings India

Development Seminar Series Photographs

About Development Seminars Series @ Brookings India

The Development Seminars Series @ Brookings India is a platform for global scholars to present their work to a curated audience of senior government officials, politicians, journalists, academics and policy enthusiasts. The format of the seminars includes a senior researcher as a lead presenter and a government/industry expert to discuss the results and relevance within the Indian context. The fundamental focus of the seminar series is to draw research-based insights to shape and influence policy dialogues in India, through purposeful and pointed discussions.

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Date & Time

11:00 AM
to 01:00 PM (IST)


Kamalnayan Bajaj Conference Room, No. 6, second floor, Dr Jose P Rizal Marg, Chanakyapuri, Delhi: 110021, India, Lecture Theatre


Brookings Institution India Center

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