Monday, July 22
  • Rakesh Mohan was panelist for the session on “India, Pakistan and Bangladesh: Where did their growth trajectories diverge?” at the Pathways to Development Conference hosted by CDPR | Dec 18
  • Constantino Xavier and Riya Sinha presented their paper on “Strengthening India’s Land Linkages Around the Bay of Bengal” at MP-IDSA’s 15th South Asia Conference 2023 | Dec 14
  • Rajat Verma presented the CSEP Working Paper “Compensating for the Fiscal Loss in India’s Energy Transition” at the Vietnam Symposium on Climate Transition 2023 in Da Nang, Vietnam | Dec 13-14
  • Sanjay Kathuria gave a keynote address at the Plenary Session II of the RIS at 40 Conference on South Asia Regional Integration | Dec 9-10
  • Constantino Xavier addressed 24 IFS officers of the 1998-1999 batch on the topic of India and regional connectivity, at the Sushma Swaraj Institute of Foreign Service, Ministry of External Affairs | Dec 7
  • Riya Sinha was panelist at the “Sustainable States for Sustainable India: The Way Ahead for ‘India Growth Story'” seminar, at the States Policy Conclave 2023, organised by PHDCC | Dec 4
  • Sanjay Kathuria discussed “Connectivity in India’s Foreign Policy” at the international conference on Purvodaya Perspectives – Reflections on Regional Connectivity in Bhubaneswar, Odisha | Dec 2
  • Veda Vaidyanathan presented her paper “Global China in Africa: Documenting Indian perspectives from Ghana” at the African Studies Association (ASA) Annual Conference | Dec 2
  • Pooja Ramamurthi discussed inclusivity and energy transition at the Youth Climate Conclave hosted by TERI and the Delegation of the European Union to India and Bhutan | Dec 1
  • Jaimini Bhagwati was speaker at the road naming ceremony in Tezpur Assam, dedicated to the Late Bijoy Chandra Bhagwati. It was hosted by the Former Secretary of Tezpur.
  • Utkarsh Patel discussed climate finance for developing countries at the South-South Cooperation event organised by Yale University at the Energy Transition Hub.

  • Utkarsh Patel discussed India’s climate change management plans at the Climate Reality in Asia event organised by the Global Alliance for Universities on Climate
  • Divya Srinivasan presented the paper “Commodity Prices and the Twin Balance Sheet Crisis” at the 20th Macroeconomics and Finance Conference, IGIDR Mumbai

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