Monday, July 22
  • Constantino Xavier was speaker at the India-Japan Forum hosted at Ananta Aspen Centre | July 28

  • Constantino Xavier was a panelist at the launch of the CSEP edited report “Connectivity and Cooperation in Bay of Bengal” organised by Verité Research, Colombo, Sri Lanka | July 24
  • Constantino Xavier discussed CSEP’s Sambandh research on Sri Lanka and the neighbourhood at the Regional Centre for Strategic Studies, Colombo, Sri Lanka | July 24
  • Riya Sinha as a panelist at the discussion on the CSEP edited report “Connectivity in the Bay of Bengal Region”, organised by Verité Research in Colombo, Sri Lanka | July 20

  • Constantino Xavier was at the launch of the CSEP edited report “Connectivity and Cooperation in Bay of Bengal Region”, at the Centre for Peace Studies, South Asian University of Policy and Governance (SIPG), North South University, Dhaka, Bangladesh | July 13

  • Constantino Xavier was a panelist at the Roundtable discussion held at Knowledge and Resources Foundation (KRF) Centre for Bangladesh and Global Affairs (CBGA), Dhaka, Bangladesh | July 12

  • Constantino Xavier was panelist at the webinar on Modi’s visit to France and Europe India relations, hosted by Brooking Institution, Washington DC | July 11

  • Constantino Xavier was a panelist at the expert Briefing for Parliamentary Committee Report, “India’s Neighborhood First Policy”, Twenty Second Report of Committee on External Affairs (2022-2023) at the 17th Lok Sabha, Ministry of External Affairs, Lok Sabha Secretariat, New Delhi | July 11

  • Constantino Xavier was a panelist at the Institute for Integrated Developmental Studies (IIDS), Kathmandu, Nepal | July 10 

  • Laveesh Bhandari was a discussant at NCAER’s 20th India Policy Forum Conference: Is Electrification in India Fiscally Sustainable? | July 6-7

  • Rakesh Mohan was Chair at the session on Economic and Fiscal Sustainability at the National Beverage Conclave 2023 | July 6

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