Saturday, December 21

SVAMITVA: A socio-legal analysis

Reading Time: < 1 minute

Executive Summary:

The Survey of Villages and Mapping with Improvised Technology in Village Areas (SVAMITVA), is a Central Government scheme, currently underway in 6 Indian states to provide property rights to rural home owners residing in abadi areas, set aside by gram panchayats for residential purposes.

The paper delves into the legal implications of the implementation of the scheme. It also brings forth how the scheme will affect the ownership rights of women as well as the access to land and property for socio-economically weaker groups. It is likely that the lack of community participation in the implementation of the scheme will reinforce existing social hierarchies.

The paper highlights the gaps in the scheme and suggests ways to address them along with proposing an evaluation system to be set in place.

Read the Working Paper

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