Wednesday, July 3


Reading Time: 2 minutes

As the catastrophic consequences of climate change loom large, the world stands at a cross­roads, facing challenges of unprecedented complexity and urgency. The need for a holistic approach to address this global crisis is now increasingly clear. At the Centre for Social and Economic Progress (CSEP) we are undertaking the task of understanding India’s climate transition and its global implications from various angles, methodologies and disciplines. This report and our other work on global climate cooperation, reflects our commitment to exploring different perspec­tives that can accelerate India’s green transition and facilitate the road towards its 2030 commit­ments and 2070 net zero targets.

India’s journey towards climate resilience and sustainability is undeniably intertwined with international cooperation. Especially since the global landscape is fraught with fragmentation amidst geopolitical conflicts and divergent interests. Climate change, more than ever, underscores the need for collaborative efforts, even as it tests the limits of international diplomacy and governance. The United Nations system, traditionally a cornerstone of global cooperation, faces fragmentation, while multilateral development banks grapple with the need for reforms. In this evolving landscape, the path towards effective climate action becomes increasingly challenging for India and its partners, especially in the Global South.

This report is a culmination of a year-long research project co-led by our CSEP fellow Constantino Xavier and our non-resident fellow, Karthik Nachiappan, from the National University of Singapore. It is built around the contributions from Indian and international experts with seven case studies that offer a comprehensive view of India’s evolving global climate strategy. Benefitting also from consultations with policymakers and experts, through workshops and roundtables, this report reflects the growing intersection between Indian foreign policy and critical global challenges such as climate change.

The report emphasises that India has been more than a mere participant in the global climate discourse; it has been an innovator, contributing to novel solutions beyond the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and the Conference of the Parties (COP) negotiations. The seven case studies, serve as a testament to India’s adaptability and innovation in pushing the boundaries of climate action. India’s progress in addressing the need for climate mitigation and adaptation has been both commendable and swift.

However, in the rush to embrace change and explore new tracks, it is imperative to pause and take stock of the achievements, challenges, and the path ahead. This report not only maps India’s journey in the climate arena but also contributes to a pressing and strategic debate on how to further accelerate its efforts. It offers both a reflection on what Indian diplomacy has accomplished and a blueprint for where it could go further.


Laveesh Bhandari

President and Senior Fellow

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