Monday, May 6

An Overview of Climate-Economy and Energy System Models

Reading Time: < 1 minute


Mathematical modelling programs have become indispensable in climate science and policy research, providing projections of greenhouse gas emissions and economic output for the analysis of climate change mitigation and adaptation strategies. These programs, including Integrated Assessment Models (IAMs) and Energy System Models (ESMs), facilitate evidence-based policymaking at national and international levels. This report provides a descriptive overview of selected models, highlighting their diverse applications and accessibility. IAMs such as REMIND, GCAM, IMAGE, WITCH and MESSAGE, which have been notably used in the development of the IPCC’s Shared Socioeconomic Pathways (SSPs), and ESMs such as TIMES and OSeMOSYS are discussed, along with India specific models such as IESS 2047, Rumi/PIER and EPS India. The report outlines the technical attributes and features of the models, such as sectoral coverage, economic growth assumptions, modelling algorithms, optimisation methods, etc., with an emphasis on the usability and scalability of the models. Inter-model comparison tables are provided to help assess the suitability of a model for a desired application. The report also acknowledges the limitations and uncertainties in the models. Recommendations include increasing transparency and accessibility to improve the usability and integration of these tools.


Overview of climate-economy and energy system models – Hindustan Times


Rohit Reddy

Research Analyst

Utkarsh Patel

Visiting Associate Fellow

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